Abstract Submission deadline extended to 30.09.24. For submission click here


Guidelines for Abstract Submission

  • The abstract should be 400 -600 words in length and should consist of the following sub-heading:
    • Manuscript title
    • Objective of the study
    • Research problem/research gap identified
    • Proposed Research methodology (Including the measures used, target audience and the proposed sample size)
    • Proposed study findings and key contributions that will be made by the study
    • Originality / Novelty of the study
    • Keywords (2 - 6 keywords)
  • The abstract should be formatted with Times New Roman font, font size 12 and 1.5 line spacing and submitted as a Word document. No author-identifying information should be present in the abstract document.
  • A separate title page should include the Manuscript Title, Author(s), Affiliation(s), ORCID ID of the authors and their contact information. Please specify the corresponding author on the title page.
  • The abstract will be evaluated based on the relevance to the theme and tracks of the conference and the sub-headings mentioned above.
  • The abstract can be submitted at the following link https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/ICHRM2025
  • Queries related to the submission can be directed to: aihrconf2025@liba.edu

Guidelines for Full-Paper Submission

  • The full paper should be 4000-6000 words in length excluding abstract, references, tables and figures and should consist of the following sub-heading:
    • Manuscript Title
    • Abstract with the following sub-headings will be 250 words in length:
      • Purpose
      • Study Design / Methodology / Approach
      • Findings
      • Originality / Value
      • Keywords (2-6 keywords)
    • Introduction

      It should consist of but may not be limited to

      • A brief overview of the research topic
      • Research gap/research problems identified
      • Operational definition of the variables used in the study
      • Research questions, hypotheses, and conceptual model.
    • Literature Review
      • Theoretical background for the study (preferable)
      • Review of literature relevant to the study, including the latest literature on the topic.
      • Research gap addressed by the study, based on literature.
    • Research Methodology
      • Type of research methodology
      • Measures / Instruments used
      • Data analysis tools and techniques used
    • Results
      • Reporting the research findings using text, tables, charts, graphs and tables
      • Interpretation of the results
    • Discussion
      • Summarize the results
      • Theoretical Implications
      • Practical implications
      • Limitations and suggestions for future research
    • Conclusion
      • Reinforce the findings
      • Provide a conclusion logically tying various parts of the study
    • References
      • Follow APA 7th Edition style guide
    • Appendices
      • Any supplementary material that supports the research findings
  • Tables, charts and graphs should be given as a separate sheet at the end of the document and referenced in-text. The source of the table should be indicated at the bottom
  • End notes and footnotes should be kept at a minimum
  • The full paper should be formatted with Times New Roman font, font size 12 and 1.5 line spacing and submitted as a Word document. No author-identifying information should be present in the abstract document
  • The full paper should be original and not considered or accepted for publication elsewhere
  • The full paper should not contain any author-identifiable information
  • A separate title page should include the Manuscript Title, Author(s), Affiliation(s), ORCID ID of the authors and their contact information. Please specify the corresponding author on the title page. This title page should be a separate Word document
  • A maximum of three papers are permitted per author, irrespective of the order of authorship.
  • A student/scholar submitting a paper should co-author at least one faculty member
  • The paper can be submitted electronically in the following link https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/ICHRM2025
  • Queries related to the submission can be directed to: aihrconf2025@liba.edu